This is my sabbatical journal, offering a daily journal of research, activities, and things of interest while studying as a Resident Scholar/Reader at Tyndale House, Cambridge, England.
I will introduce you to a lovely college just a block or so from Tyndale House. Tyndale House is located on Selwyn Gardens, a cul de sac, off Grange Road which runs by Selwyn College. We readers at Tyndale House are permitted, if we desire, to go to the dining commons at Selwyn College for dinner in the evening. This is something I have not yet done.
Selwyn College receives its name from a missionary, George Augustus Selwyn, the first Bishop of New Zealand (1841-68) and later Bishop of Lichfield (1868-78). The College crest incorporates the Selwyn family arms and those of the Diocese of Lichfield.
Click here to view the Selwyn College Chapel and Choir. On my way to Barclay's Bank to exchange dollars for pounds (ouch!), I strolled through the quadrangle of Selwyn College and snapped a few pictures to share with you. Take note of the greenness of the grass, you poor folks in cold Minnesota. On the left is the college gate. To the right is a view of the chapel from within the gate. Below is a view of the quadrangle. Imagine college students and personnel walking around this quadrangle as if it were routine, nothing extraordinary, just any day's activity. I'm trying to blend into the landscape by not appearing to be too much agape.
If you click on the picture of the gate to enlarge it, you may notice a Greek quotation over the arch. It is from 1 Corinthians 16:13, "Stand firm in the faith; be men of courage."